Glenearn Badminton Club is a friendly badminton club based in Perth. We have sessions to suit beginners and returners to badminton, as well as more experienced players. We participate in local and national competitions, for those that fancy testing their badminton skills against other clubs.
We offer structured badminton coaching on Saturdays at Perth High School Sports Hub, led by high-quality coaches. The Sports Hub is located at Oakbank Road, Perth, PH1 1HB (see map):
The sessions run during school terms and stop during school holidays.
The fee for each one-hour session is £6.50 and fees are payable for each block in advance. You only commit to one block at a time, but if you attend one block, you will be given "first refusal" to sign-up for the subsequent block. If you decide not to sign-up for the subsequent block, that's fine and you are still welcome to sign-up to later blocks if places are available.
The dates for 2024/25 are:
Registration is now open for block 1. Use the following links to register:
Register a child for a place on the junior coaching sessions
Register for a place on the adult coaching sessions
Glenearn Badminton Club, © Copyright 2024
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