Update on 3 October 2024
Please note the arrangements below for our Monday badminton sessions, which were confirmed at our Club Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on 1 October 2024 in respect of:
Transition between junior and adult sessions
We often have a junior badminton session on Mondays from 6:45pm to 7:45pm, immediately preceding our adult session. Please would all adult players (other than our Monday night coaches) remain outside of the sports hall on Monday evenings until one of the coaches advises that the junior session has ended. This will help us maintain high standards of child wellbeing and protection.
Division 1 training
From Monday 7 October 2024 and consistent with last season, up to two courts on Mondays may be reserved from 7:45pm to 8:45pm for Division 1 teams’ training. This will be subject to a minimum of five players being allocated to each reserved court (or a minimum of ten players being allocated across two reserved courts). As Glenearn A captain, Stella will initially co-ordinate the use of any reserved courts and will invite players, at her discretion, to join the Division 1 training.
Mixing of players
At our Monday sessions, all players should mix broadly with a range of other players of varying standards over the course of the evening, except when participating in Division 1 training. All players participating in Division 1 training should mix broadly with a range of other players in the second hour of the session – i.e. from 8:45pm onwards. A player should avoid playing with the same small number of other players most of the evening.
To support that, at the end of a game, all four players from that game should return to the front of the hall and should not start a new game on the same court or move directly to another court. This will help ensure players waiting at the front of the hall are not overlooked when a court becomes available and help create an opportunity to mix players.
It was decided at the AGM not to introduce a more formal system for determining games, but the office bearers will review how the Monday sessions are working over the coming weeks and, based on that, the Committee will consider if a “board system” or other arrangement is desirable to support the mixing of players and to ensure everyone has a fair number of games.
Your observations and comments are welcome – please e-mail us on info@glenearnbadminton.co.uk or speak to one of the Committee on Mondays.
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